As the social networking site junkie that I am, I've been really hooked for the past few months on FashionFreax. I guess it comes down to being the the myspace of fashion. Based out of Germany, The site not only lets users register to have their own profile, where you are free to upload images of your different daily styles, to be reviewed and rated, but includes fashion related news and blog posts from members themselves. Seemingly enough the site got off to an excellent start, founded in the first quarter of 2008, with a a little of less than a 1000 views per month which skyrocketed towards the middle of the second quater. (image depicted below: source
and then plumping down as time went by, this due maybe to it's lack of design appeal? It resembles closely to blogs on the net and less like a social fashion site. Anyhow, I really enjoy watching users from around the world display their style and images, keeping up to their thoughts and from time to time checking out the cool contests. And now I am off to write a riveting explanation of the Mercedez Benz fashion press in Berlin, as to why I would be of value to attend their show.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
It's Hammer Time

I have spawned the birth of a consuming obsession to vintage. Somehow the best of me has been secretly overpowered with emotion at the sound of flohmarkts (flea marts). I'm determined to scavenger hunt my way through every flea market of every town I come in contact with. Along with the fact that for the remainder of this year I'll be mostly income less, "going flea" won't make a hole in my pocket. However I couldn't resist on an almost intact pair of dropped crotch pants, riding in from the 1980s timemachine directly to my PC screen. Funnily enough, the pair I had when this was a sad fad (somewhere in 03) I threw out days before embarking to Germany, only to discover a month after my arrival that they riveted their way back to the catwalks and down to RTW. I guess it's time to lose those skinny jeans and loosen things up. Although my purchase was not at an actual mart per se... I still feel it was like rifling through merchandise to get that perfect piece. My mouse just couldn't walk away without clicking on that "make an offer" button on eBay, and now practically a month later, 33% off the original price, a trip to the tax office, and opening my package like if I was a prison inmate, my first piece of bought vintage. Now if the rain would go away and I could think of what to match it with, it would definitely be hammer time. Kudos to that French editor who inspired this SS09's comeback. Très chic indeed!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I have been putting off for three months the actual setting up and posting of the blog I had in mind. See, first off I'm a year abroad in Germany as an au-pair. Usually most of the girls I know setup blogs to document their life as an au-pair, the places they visit and life with the family. I wanted something different. Seemingly Germany, despite the horrid stereotype of socks in sandals, has a rich and most unique source of style. Berlin, might I add, being one of the cities hosted by Mercedes Fashion Week. You might say, "Well, Mercedes is German, so why not add a German city?" If this were the case I'm sure the city where Mercedes-Benz started would be the best candidate city. But, as posts seen on the Fashion Spot, Berlin is full of individual style that is admirable and worth being inspired from. As designer Zac Posan said at his show, and of course I'm paraphrasing... "Berlin is, what New York in the 80's was as regards to fashion"
Unfortunately I was not so lucky to land in Berlin, but more towards the southern area of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, approximately 30mins by train to Stuttgart. Nethertheless here I am, blogging, expressing my thoughts on fast trends, street style, and my daily life in my new so called home.
Unfortunately I was not so lucky to land in Berlin, but more towards the southern area of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, approximately 30mins by train to Stuttgart. Nethertheless here I am, blogging, expressing my thoughts on fast trends, street style, and my daily life in my new so called home.
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